William Shatner confirms he doesn’t have long to live

In his upcoming documentary You Can Call Me Bill, William Shatner, the venerable Star Trek captain, discussed his impending death and declared that he is living each day as if it were his last.

“I’ve previously declined a lot of opportunities to work on documentaries. But I don’t have much longer to live,” he admitted in a Variety interview.My time is short, so that’s a major consideration, whether I pass away as I’m speaking to you or in ten years. I have young children. This film is a means for me to communicate with people after I’m gone.

Fans will get an inside look at the actor’s private life as well as the highlights of his illustrious career in the documentary, which will have its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival in Texas. Alexandre O. Philippe directed it. The documentary, which opened Shatner’s eyes, also includes his three daughters Leslie, Lisabeth, and Melanie.

In order to further explore that fact, the actor remarked, “I’m trying to find something I’ve never said before or to find a way to say something I’ve said before in a different way.”

“The sad thing is that as a person gets older, they become wiser, and then they die with all that knowledge,” he told Variety.

Shatner said that despite the criticism he received, he has no regrets about anything, even his choice to skip Leonard Nimoy’s burial in honor of his friend and Star Trek co-star.

“Leonard Nimoy’s funeral took place on a Sunday a couple years ago. He passed very suddenly, and I had committed to attending a Red Cross event at Mar-a-Lago. I was one of the famous people that raised money. Shatner said, “I decided to uphold my word and attend to Mar-a-Lago instead of the burial because good actions live eternally.

Being a grandparent is the greatest joy for me, Shatner said in a previous interview with The Guardian on his personal life. Now that I have the time, I can grab a grandchild, talk to them, give them a hug and kiss, and make sure I take the time to be with them and share some of what I’ve learned with them.

“Family life is totally encompassing,” he continued. Every weekend, I get to visit my daughters. We also take vacations together, doing everything from skiing to snorkeling.

In his lifetime, Shatner has been married four times. He recently made headlines when he reconciled with Elizabeth, his fourth wife, whom he divorced in 2019 following a $2 million divorce deal.

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