Sometimes in life, we’re let down because we didn’t get the new phone we wanted or couldn’t afford a relaxing vacation. We should never take anything for granted and always be grateful for the life we have because, regrettably, there are individuals who live on the edge of poverty and would do anything to obtain the things we have.
It was Angel David’s eighth birthday soon. He had never celebrated his birthday with cake or a party, like his peers did, until that point. His mother just couldn’t afford to give her kid the kind of celebration he deserved, not that she didn’t want to.
However, this year was distinct. Since Angel had never had a party before, his classmates and class instructor made the decision to organize one for him.
They were all waiting for Angel to enter inside the classroom.
The cute child was shocked when he opened the door and heard everyone singing Happy Birthday. He just couldn’t contain his delight and started crying.
Although this gesture may seem insignificant to some, it meant the world to a youngster who had never had a birthday celebration.
Please watch the video below to witness Angel’s endearing response.
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