Twenty-four Years Later. What the 52-year-old Lover of Imhotep Looks Like Now

Remember the lovely woman who won Imhotep over with her in his most prized photo? Anxunamun was a reluctant participant, but her unique beauty persisted and is now valued by a large number of spectators. Patricia Velasquez updated her Instagram feed with fresh photos in honor of her 52nd birthday.


The actress and model from Venezuela had perfect figure and a young face when she was younger. “It’s unbelievable that 24 years have passed,”

“My initial romantic interest,” She appears lot older than she is. She doesn’t seem to be thinking about grooming.

“Small,” She appears far older than some famous people.

I saw remarks like “Beautiful Anxunamun,” “Excellent performer,” and “I preferred her to the protagonist” beneath the recently released Velasquez images.

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