In December 2023, Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary. During this time, they mostly resided in their beloved family home, where their children, Annie and Ruby, grew up. As the daughter of Hollywood legends Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, Curtis had a prosperous career for herself in the business with memorable parts in movies like “Halloween” and “Freaky Friday.”
Curtis’s skill has been acknowledged in both her writing endeavors for children’s books and her acting career, where she has won awards like a Golden Globe for “Anything But Love.” Her first book, “When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old’s Memoir of Her Youth,” was published in 1993. She then wrote the moving “Tell Me Again About The Night I Was Born” in 1996, which drew inspiration from her adoption of Annie, her first child, with Guest.
Her later writings, such as “Is There Really a Human Race?” and the New York Times best-seller “Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Day,” further demonstrate her storytelling talent; the latter was inspired by her youngest adopted daughter, Ruby.
Guest and Curtis got married in 1984. She has frequently honored their union in public, especially on important anniversaries, thinking back on the close bonds they forged through their shared life and kids.
Their relationship began with a happily ever after, as Curtis declared her intention to marry Guest with confidence after seeing his photo in a 1984 Rolling Stone issue. Curtis reached out to Guest through his agency, but Guest did not respond at first. However, serendipity brought them together by chance at Hugo’s restaurant in West Hollywood, which resulted in their first date and the beginning of their relationship.
In 1992, they arrived at their first shared home—a Spanish Colonial Revival house from the 1920s—after a voyage. In spite of its original antiquated condition, the couple made it the center of their family life by remodeling it with the assistance of designer Jan McFarland Cox into a room that reflects a fusion of Mediterranean history and modern aesthetics.
Now more than a century old, the house is a veritable gold mine of family photos, literature, artwork, and unique accents that honor the family’s legacy and Curtis and Guest’s commitment to creating a warm and inviting environment.
Curtis cherishes the small pleasures of this long-term partnership and takes comfort in the fact that their shared house is a haven of affection and shared adventures.
Together with her husband Christopher Guest and their kids, Curtis enjoyed a close-knit family life and was deeply committed to creativity and family despite the glamour of Hollywood. These aspects of her life are presented in this narrative.