Near the water’s surface, a mother humpback whale floated. Her breaths spread out in a soft mist under the gray sky.She struggled in the cool water, which held her huge, strong, but agile body.She had traveled hundreds of miles to get to this warm, shallow spot where the water would be calm enough for her to give birth.Slowly swimming around in a loop for hours, she was following the beat of the waves.
The new life she was carrying then came into the world as her body jerked one last time.The calf came out in a little cloud of fluid that was giving it life. There was a bright red spot around the baby that looked like an ink stain growing in the blue.In the vastness of the water, the red cloud, which was a short-term sign of birth, grew and then went away.Larger animals politely stayed away from it, but small fish were drawn to the nutrients and came closer.
They saw it as a lesson of how nature works in cycles and as an old, familiar sign of how life starts over again.For some reason, the baby swam to its mother, who pushed it to the top and helped it take its first breath.When he let out that breath, the calf’s life began, and the red dot in the water began to fade, leaving behind only a brief memory.As the mother and child floated together in the water, the ocean seemed to hum. The pattern of the waves seemed to match the beat of new life.
The spot was gone, and the birth was over, but the bond between the mother and child got stronger all the time, ready to handle the open seas, storms, and migration.