There were many people who were deeply interested in his deep and insightful ideas about God and the future. He talked about the idea of an afterlife and a higher power in a number of speeches and works.
He made it clear that he believed in God when he was asked. He thought that evidence of a higher power was lacking and that scientific laws could explain the world.
According to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, he said, “Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God made the universe.” But science now has a stronger answer.
Hawking wasn’t a monotheist when it came to religion. He said that the basic ideas of all faiths were the same, but there was no evidence to back this up. He doesn’t believe that God exists.
Hawking wrote a book with Leonard Mlodinow called “The Grand Design,” in which he talked more about his ideas about how the world came to be. He claimed that the universe was made by physical laws, not by a spiritual being.
In a piece, he said, “The universe can and will make itself out of nothing because there is a law like gravity.” “The universe and we both exist because something created them on its own; there is something instead of nothing.”
Hawking’s ideas about the afterlife were also backed up by science proof. He thought the idea of an afterlife was just made up. This is what he said in his most recent book, “Brief Answers to the Big Questions.”
There is no one who made the world or our fate. So, I’ve come to the shocking opinion that there probably isn’t a heaven or an afterlife. It’s just wishful thought to believe in a life after death. It goes against everything we know about science and there is no good proof.
Hawking doesn’t ignore other people’s points of view to back his own, though. If you ask me, the easiest answer is that there is no God. But everyone is free to believe whatever they want.
Stephen Hawking’s work as a mathematician and his search for a way to understand the universe based on physical reasoning affected how he felt about religion and God. Science will honor and remember his work for a long time, even though he has different views.