Every housewife should know this: do this and you will be surprised…

We burn cinnamon, incense, and other fragrant things a lot because they make us feel better and better about our health. But not everyone knows that bay leaves can be used for many things. Studies have shown that bay leaves are full of chemicals that are good for our bodies.

1. Lessens stress and worry.
When you breathe in bay leaves, the unique mix of chemicals they contain, like linalool, makes you feel calm. This smoking makes you feel and think more relaxed. Studies by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists show that linalool significantly reduces stress and tension while improving communication between people just minutes after intake.

2. Lowers swelling and pain
Because bay leaves have eugenol in them, which is a natural pain reliever, they can help with pain, especially in the joints.

3. “Boosts the immune system”
It is also well known that eugenol, which is found in bay leaves, is an antioxidant. Bay leaves are good for your immune system because they are full of vitamins and minerals.


4. It helps the fight against diabetes.
If you have diabetes, eating one to three grams of bay leaves every day can help ease your symptoms. The National Library of Medicine in the United States published a study that said bay leaves can help diabetics’ blood sugar levels.


5. Makes you more focused and alert.
Because it contains chemicals like pinene, cineole, and elemicin, the smoke from burning bay leaves not only makes you feel less tired but also helps you focus.

6. Makes breathing easier
Bay leaves have been used for a long time to treat lung problems. By getting rid of mucus in the lungs, they help you breathe better.
Instead of burning bay leaves directly, you can use them as an oil or mixture to improve the air quality in the room. If you have trouble breathing, you can also fix it by boiling bay leaves in water and then putting the bandage on your chest.

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