A wonderful and completely lovely occurrence occurred during a performance that initially seemed really nice in 2018 on the stage of Israel’s Got Talent.A young vocalist named Laia Alice delighted the crowd with a performance of the musical Annie’s “Tomorrow.”The judges smiled at her lovely voice, and her family grinned proudly as they stood on stage.
Her little sister was cheering from the sidelines the entire time that Laia was performing.The audience and three of the judges couldn’t help but give the little vocalist a standing ovation when the song ended.In response to a question about her performance, Laia expressed her excitement with utter joy.
The most heartwarming scene, though, was when her younger sister ran to Laia and embraced her in a touching show of affection.The crowd erupted in cheers and let out a collective “aww” at this endearing moment between siblings.Upon witnessing this wonderful scenario, one of the judges questioned in jest, “Do you want to kill us?”The entire show was recorded for “Shy Singer Sings A Beautiful Song From Annie the Musical | Kids Got Talent.”