One-year-old Gabriela from Great Britain has gained popularity online because of her distinctive feature. Gabriela’s hair was unusually thick and dense at birth, drawing the attention of the medical professionals there for her delivery.

Gabriela’s mother, Denika Kaneva, stated she was surprised by her daughter’s peculiar appearance and that it had taken her by surprise when she first saw her. The nurses who helped with the birth expressed shock as well, saying they had never seen a baby with such a full, thick head of hair. Compared to the other infants in the ward, Gabriela was unique.

A picture of Gabriela that her mother Denika posted online quickly gained popularity. The child’s long, thick hair astounded onlookers, and some even made the comparison between her and Rapunzel from fairy tales. Internet people recognized Gabriela’s distinctive characteristic and gave it a lot of attention.

When Denika Kaneva and her daughter Gabriela go by, she says that people frequently turn around to smile and give them a second glance. Because of her unique and seductive hair, Gabriela appears to attract attention and stick out in a crowd.

Additionally, Denika Kaneva mentioned that she often buys high-quality products at the drugstore to take good care of Gabriela’s hair. Denika takes special care to maintain Gabriela’s thick hair, therefore she only puts the best cosmetics on her daughter.

Denika Kaneva, Gabriela’s mother, said she enjoys washing and drying her hair. Gabriela giggles happily as Denika blow dries her hair, clearly enjoying the process.

Gabriela’s mother and daughter appear to derive satisfaction and joy from her hair care regimen.