Only 10 Years Old and Already 190 kg! The World’s Fattest Boy Undergoes Astonishing Transformation

The boy was formerly regarded as the fattest child in the world. When he was younger, his weight was 190 kg. In little than a year, he saw an incredible makeover. He gave up fast food and became a healthy, attractive boy.


Arya Permana gained worldwide recognition after being dubbed the heaviest boy in the planet. When he was just ten years old, he weighed more than 190 kg. This revealed the connection between his disease and food and inactivity, shocking the public. He gained weight rapidly as a result of his sedentary lifestyle and fast food consumption.


The health concerns that could arise from being overweight caused tremendous concern for Arya’s parents. Despite his protests, they had him see a doctor. A strict diet of rice and vegetables was advised by the specialist. Because Arya could not keep to the diet on his own, they decided to go ahead and get the stomach reduced.



Arya makes a sincere effort to follow the doctor’s dietary recommendations. He began to exercise more, and the results showed up immediately. After achieving a 50% weight loss, Arya is now aiming for 63 kg. His parents are raising money to pay for an operation to remove his excess skin. Arya has a strong desire to follow his ambition of playing football.


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