Are you tired of being constantly bitten by mosquitoes and other insects while you enjoy the great outdoors? There’s no need to look any farther! We have a simple, natural remedy you may apply at home using baby oil and cloves. You may spend as much time outside as possible without worrying about bothersome bugs pestering you if you use this homemade repellent.
Are you ready to take control of your outdoor activities? To create your own homemade repellant, follow these simple steps:
What You’ll Need
To make your own repellant, you’ll need the following materials and equipment:
A dark glass dropper bottle
35 milliliters of baby oil (olive oil would be a substitute).
Six clovers
How to Construct a Personal Repellent
Pour 35 milliliters of baby oil into the opaque glass dropper bottle. If preferred, olive oil can also be used.
Put six cloves in the bottle. Because these little miracles naturally keep off insects, they are perfect for our homemade repellant.
Once the bottle’s cap is securely tightened, give it a good shake. This will ensure that the oil absorbs the cloves’ repulsive characteristics and enable the infusion of the cloves into the oil.
Let the mixture settle for at least five seconds. During this time, the repellant will smell strongly like cloves, which will increase its strength even further.
You’re ready to use your homemade repellent now! Before you walk outside, apply a few drops to the areas of your skin that are visible and gently rub them in. The baby oil leaves your skin feeling soft, and the cloves keep mosquitoes away.
Reapply the repellent as necessary or every few hours, especially after sweating or swimming.
Now that those annoying bugs are gone, you can enjoy being outside without interruption. To test the efficacy of natural defense against insects, try this homemade repellant. Enjoy yourself while exploring and avoid insects!