Let’s talk about love, gentlemen. Not just any love, but the kind that could add decades to your life. Wondering? Put on your seat belt now!
So what’s the big secret? According to a 1997 Journal of Personality poll, males are generally drawn to spouses who are fair, gregarious, and trustworthy. All really good attributes, indeed. Recent research suggests that we might need to rearrange those priorities, though.
Kindly begin the drum roll. If you’re in it for the long haul, marrying a smart lady is a wise choice.
You truly did hear accurately. The University of Aberdeen’s research team discovered that men who married intelligent women are notably less likely to get degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
According to the study, many men who were married to clever women but whose MRI scans revealed signs of brain damage did not exhibit any symptoms.
According to University of Aberdeen mental health expert Professor Lawrence Whalley, those who are exceptionally intelligent and in positions of power are the ones who should have dementia but don’t show any symptoms. They also have a substantial amount of money in the bank.
Hold on, though—how does that magical mind function?
It has long been recognized that mental activities such as reading, crossword puzzle solving, and museum visits can help fend against dementia. Still, an intriguing notion is brought up by this recent Aberdeen study. What could be more stimulating to the intellect than having a discussion with a close companion?
In general, women place a much higher value on meaningful conversations and quality time than do males. At this point, the plot really begins to take off.
According to research, two people’s brains truly sync up during a productive conversation. This phenomenon, called “neural coupling,” serves as the basis for thought-provoking discussions.
The procedure is as follows: the listener fires in a sequence that matches the speaker’s brain activity, but—surprise!—it fires earlier. The listener is essentially waiting for the next sentence to be said, which improves mutual understanding and fortifies the mental connection.
That seems like intellectual stimulation to me! Gentlemen, I would like to know if you have yet to find your intellectual equal.