Boy is bullied for his pink T-shirt: When I see his teacher the next day, my heart breaks

Bullying in schools causes many children to lose their opportunity to receive an education. Sadly, this kind of violence occurs considerably more frequently than people realize and schools aren’t always able to stop it.

Unfortunately, bullying has lingering impacts that erode the victim’s sense of worth.

Nine-year-old William Gierke wanted to buy a pink T-shirt that said “Tough Guys Wear Pink” to help spread awareness of breast cancer.

He felt proud of the T-shirt and was eager to wear it to school because he didn’t care what his friends thought of him.

As soon as they saw he was wearing pink, they started calling him nasty names like “sissy.”

William’s heartbroken, he sobbed his way home. When his mother found out that he was being harassed because of the color of his clothes, she became furious. Seeing her son choke on tears seemed terrible. He was so wounded that day that he didn’t even want to go to school.

His mother had no idea how to help him, so luckily his teacher was there to make things right.

In particular, when David Winter, William’s teacher, found out about the bullying, he decided to wear a pink T-shirt to support William.

William was deeply touched by his teacher’s show of support.

William expressed his relief and willingness to let the bullying go once his teacher faced the bullies.

There should be more teachers in the world like this one. A lot better things have happened in this world because of actions like theirs.

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