Jeopardy! Contestants Stumped by The Lord’s Prayer

Jeopardy! is renowned for its challenging clues that challenge even the sharpest minds, but in a recent show, players were taken aback when they discovered a fairly straightforward clue regarding the Lord’s Prayer. This surprising occurrence captured the attention of many Christian observers back home.


On June 13, presenter Mayim Bialik offered a $200 suggestion in the “Dadjectives” category. “This ‘Be Thy Name, Our Father Who Art in Heaven,” says Matthew 6:9. This served as the clue. For those who are familiar with the Lord’s Prayer, “hallowed” should have been the appropriate response. The audience was shocked to learn that none of the three finalists could provide the correct answer.


Commentary on this surprising occurrence was all over Twitter. Some people expressed amazement that none of the competitors recognized the answer, which may have been a reflection of concerns about Americans’ loss of religious understanding or religion. Some laughed at the situation, relating stories of young children who had no trouble figuring out the solution.


Though Jeopardy!’s contestants come from a variety of backgrounds and the game covers a wide range of topics, including the Bible and Christianity, many players were astonished that they were unable to correctly answer such a well-known question.

Despite this misstep, the contestants showed their strengths in other areas. In the Final Jeopardy round, Suresh Krishnan extended his winning streak to six games when he identified John Travolta as the star of Grease and Saturday Night Fever.



Jeopardy! never ceases to teach and challenge its audience with a variety of unexpected and difficult questions. Even the most informed candidates occasionally err, which serves as a reminder that everyone has periods of uncertainty and that the show is still a fantastic tool for expanding one’s knowledge base.

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