Maybe You Didn’t Know This: You Should Never Eat Cucumbers and Tomatoes in the Same Salad

All natural fruits and vegetables are good for you, however some should never be combined, did you know that? Take tomatoes and cucumbers, for example.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are both highly nutritious. They have an abundance of water, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But you must not eat them at the same time! According to Ayurveda, it’s important to know how long each ingredient takes to digest when making a salad.


Combining vegetables that digest at different speeds might be challenging. If the lighter ingredient goes through your intestines at the same time as the other starts to digest, food fermentation may happen in your stomach. This could lead to toxins, slow digestion, and fermentation of carbohydrates and sugar. This will contaminate your meal and raise the possibility of gas, bloating, and stomach ache.




Apart from tomatoes and cucumbers, there are other dietary combos to avoid. Here are a few things to remember:


Fruits after meals: Fruits take longer to digest and might result in acid reflux and other digestive issues if they are kept in the stomach for a long time.




Meat and cheese: Reduce the amount of protein you eat. At a meal, never more than one sort.

Despite being a popular combo, macaroni and cheese (or macaroni and meat) may cause gastrointestinal issues since proteins and carbohydrates break down at different rates.

Vegetables and cheese combined may increase your risk of bloating.


Orange juice should not be consumed with bread or noodles since it may harm the enzyme needed to break down carbs.

Melon and watermelon should be eaten by themselves; do not combine them with other fruits.

When consumed together, milk and bananas can slow down digestion.


Fruits and yogurt are a common breakfast pairing, but they might change the flora in your stomach and slow down digestion.

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